Purpose: We evaluate and compare the characteristics and drawbacks of
different synthetic and organic materials that have been used for blad
der wall replacement. Materials and Methods: We extensively reviewed t
he contemporary literature for partial bladder wall replacement with s
ynthetic or organic materials. Results: The concept of bladder wall re
placement dates back to the early nineteenth century. Based on the uni
que regenerative capability of the bladder, many organic and synthetic
allografts and xenografts were implanted in the bladder wall with a w
ide range of outcomes. Recently, various biodegradable allografts have
been developed and used successfully in animal models. Despite the fa
vorable animal results, only a few of the materials have been used cli
nically for bladder wall replacement to date. Conclusions: Further imp
rovements in the use of existing materials and development of new mate
rials will hopefully result in clinically successful grafts for bladde
r wall replacement and for whole bladder substitution.