OBJECTIVE: this review highlights the clinical and patho-physiologic f
eatures of osteoarthritis (OA) of the peripheral joints and discusses
the current and future management options for this common but potentia
lly disabling disease. This article also addresses the contribution of
osteoarthritis to falls and functional impairment in older people, DE
SIGN: A critical assessment of current data regarding the pathogenesis
of osteoarthritis, current and future therapies, and the potential ro
le of Oh in falls and functional impairment in older people. CONCLUSIO
NS: Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent articular disease in older ad
ults, Disease markers that will detect early disease and allow early i
ntervention with pharmacologic agents that modify, if not halt, diseas
e progression are much needed, but they are presently unavailable, Cur
rent management should include safe and adequate pain relief using sys
temic and local therapies and should also include medical and rehabili
tative interventions to prevent, or at least compensate for, functiona
l deficits. Although OA can result in impaired mobility and lower extr
emity function, its contribution as a cause of recurrent falls or impa
ired self-care, relative to other comorbid conditions,: remains;Ii-def
ined. Further analysis of the determinants of disability, loss of mobi
lity and falls in older patients with OA is needed.