The modern laminated coccolith marl (unit 1) of the Black Sea containi
ng 2-6 wt% organic carbon overlies a finely laminated sapropel (unit 2
) containing 5-20 wt% organic carbon. However, the accumulation rate o
f organic carbon in the sapropel is not significantly different from t
hat in unit 1, In contrast, the accumulation rates of either CaCO3 or
lithogenous matter (clay) are significantly lower in the sapropel comp
ared with unit 1, Thus, the sapropel has very high organic carbon cont
ents because of lesser dilution of the organic fraction by the other b
ulk components. Because the accumulation rate of organic carbon in the
sapropel is similar to that in unit 1, which is not significantly dif
ferent from accumulation rates in oxygenated environments in similar s
ettings, the Black Sea sapropel is not necessarily characteristic of a
noxic basins.