H. Hildebrandt et al., MEMORY DISORDERS IN SCHIZOPHRENIC-PATIENT S WITH DIFFERENTIAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS, Zeitschrift fur klinische Psychologie, 27(1), 1998, pp. 41-50
We analysed 41 patients classified as schizophrenic by DSM IIIR and ra
ted their psychopathological profiles using the Positive and Negative
Syndrome Scale (PANSS). All patients received neuroleptics because of
an acute episode of their chronic illness. The patients were tested wi
th a German version of the California Verbal Learning Test for their m
emory performance. The amount of global disfunctioning was assessed by
a German Version of the Trail Making Test. Neuropsychological testing
and psychopathological rating were done mutual uninformed. A cluster-
analysis of the psychopathological symptoms revelled four clusters of
patients: (I) patients in remission, (2) patients with paranoid-halluc
inatory symptoms, (3) desorganized patients, and (4) patients with neg
ative symptoms. These subgroups differed significantly in their memory
performance: paranoid-hallucinatory patients were less impaired than
the other patients; desorganized patients and patients with negative s
ymptoms documented qualitatively different memory disorders. Two possi
ble explanation are discussed: cortical versus subcortical memory diso
rders and left-versus right-frontal memory disorder. In any case, the
study documents that paranoid-hallucinatory patients show a specific n
eurocognitive deficit pattern and it therefore argues for a differenti
ation of the concept of schizophrenia as a unitary disease.