The thermal radiation for the wavelengths of 3-5, 5, 10.6 and 8-12 mu
m emitted from heating rods is measured in this study by a two-dimensi
onal thermal imaging radiometer. The LiNbO3 and LiF rods with both sin
gle crystal and polycrystalline structures are measured. The volumetri
c emission is enhanced by the scattering effect induced by the polycry
stalline rod's porous structure. When the phase is changed from solid
to liquid, the sharp decrease of the emission in the 3-5 mu m spectrum
has been observed for the polycrystalline rods due to the disappearan
ce of the scattering effect of the porous structure. Indeed, the emiss
ion in the 3-5 mu m spectrum does not significantly decrease for a LiF
single-crystal rod. However, it still exists for a LiNbO3 single-crys
tal rod except that the difference in the emission levels decreases. A
s the phase change from solid to liquid occurs, the emission of LiF an
d LiNbO3 in the 10.6 mu m spectrum continuously increases regardless o
f whether the structure is a single crystal or polycrystalline.