The FE-lspd model is a two-component electron beam model that distingu
ishes between electrons that can be described by small-angle transport
theory and electrons that are too widely scattered for small-angle tr
ansport theory to be applicable. The two components are called the pri
mary beam and the laterally scattered primary distribution (Ispd). The
primary beam component incorporates a simple version of the Fermi-Eyg
es model and dominates dose calculations at therapeutic depths. The Is
pd component corrects errors in the lateral spreading of the primary b
eam component, thereby improving the accuracy by which the FE-lspd mod
el calculates dose distribution in blocked fields. Comparisons were ma
de between dose profiles and central-axis depth dose distributions in
small fields calculated by the FE-lspd, Fermi-Eyges and EGS4 Monte Car
lo models for a 10 MeV beam in a homogeneous water phantom. The maximu
m difference between the dose calculated using the FE-lspd model and E
GS4 Monte Carlo is about 6% at a field diameter of about 1 cm, and les
s than 2% for field sizes greater than 3 cm diameter. The maximum diff
erence between the Fermi-Eyges and Monte Carlo calculations is about 1
8% at a field diameter of about 2.5 cm. A comparison was made with the
central-axis depth dose distribution measured in water for a 3 cm dia
meter field in a 10 MeV clinical electron beam. The errors in the dose
distribution were found to be less than 2% using the FE-lspd model bu
t almost 18% using the Fermi-Eyges model. A comparison was also made w
ith pencil beam profiles calculated using the second-order Fermi-Eyges
transport model.