Methanotrophic bacteria were enumerated and isolated from the chemocli
ne and surface sediments of marine-salinity Antarctic meromictic lakes
located in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica (68 degrees S 78 degrees E)
, Most probable number (MPN) analysis indicated that at the chemocline
of Ace Lake the methanotroph population made up only a small proporti
on of the total microbial population and was sharply stratified, with
higher populations detected in the surface sediments collected at the
edge of Ace Lake and Burton Lake, Methanotrophs were not detected in P
endant Lake. Only a single phenotypic group of methanotrophs was succe
ssfully enriched, enumerated and isolated into pure culture from the l
ake samples. Strains of this group were non-motile, coccoidal in morph
ology, did not form resting cells, reproduced by constriction, and req
uired seawater for growth. The strains were also psychrophilic, with o
ptimal growth occurring at 10-13 degrees C and maximum growth temperat
ures of 16-21 degrees C. The ribulose monophosphate pathway but not th
e serine pathway for incorporation of C-1 compounds was detectable in
the strains. The guanine plus cytosine (G+C) content of the genomic DN
A was 43-46 mol%. Whole-cell fatty acid analysis indicated that 16:1 o
mega 8c (37-41 %), 16:1 omega 6c (17-19 %), 16:1 omega 7c (15-19 %) an
d 16:0 (14-15 %) were the major fatty acids in the strains. 16S rDNA s
equence analysis revealed that the strains form a distinct line of des
cent in the family Methylococcaceae (group I methanotrophs), with the
closest relative being the Louisiana Slope methanotrophic mytilid endo
symbiont (91.8-92.3 % sequence similarity). On the basis of polyphasic
taxonomic characteristics the Antarctic lake isolates represent a nov
el group I methanotrophic genus with the proposed name Methylosphaera
hansonii (type strain ACAM 549).