Background: There is evidence to suggest that the criteria for nutriti
onal assessment of pregnant women, used by the Chilean Ministry of Hea
lth, overestimates nutritional disturbances. Aim: To propose a new ref
erence table to assess the nutritional status of pregnant women, based
on body mass index. Material and methods: The table was theoretically
defined using criteria for normality proposed by FAO and the weight i
ncrease during pregnancy that is associated with a lower maternal and
fetal morbidity and mortality. In 665 pregnant women, weight, height,
mid arm circumference and skinfolds were measured using standard techn
iques. Body mass index, arm fat and muscle area and percentage of body
fat were calculated. Body composition for each nutritional category,
derived from the body mass index or ''Rosso-Mardones classification'',
was analyzed. Results: According to the new table, under weight women
had lower percentage of body fat and mid arm circumference and overwe
ight women had higher weight, skinfold thickness and percentage of bod
y fat than the homologous groups defined according to Rosso-Mardones t
ables. Conclusions: The proposed reference table may be useful to corr
ect distortions generated by the current norms for nutritional assessm
ent of pregnant women, proposed by the Chilean Ministry of Health. It
has to be validated, analyzing its sensitivity, specificity and predic
tive value to predict fetal and maternal variables.