An analytical constitutive model similar to the Kelvin chain theologic
al model associated with solidification theory, is developed for time-
dependent tension softening of ageing materials like concrete. The sti
ffness of spring elements is allowed to vary with time via a function
of load bearing volume fraction as in the solidification theory. The d
evelopment of cracks reduces the load bearing volume fraction with tim
e, so that the overall behaviour of springs is a softening type. A red
uction in the load bearing volume with time ensures a gradual reductio
n in the spring stiffness without violating prescribed retardation tim
es. In some circumstances, depending on the boundary conditions, the s
tress in a structure can remain unchanged over a period of time. Durin
g this period, any cracks in the structure will continue to experience
an increased opening due to creep. In other parts of the structure, a
gain depending on the boundary conditions, the crack opening displacem
ents may remain unchanged over a period of time, so that the stress wi
ll relax over these parts of the structure. In a large concrete struct
ure, creep and relaxation may be taking place simultaneously in differ
ent parts or in the same part but at different times. There is thus a
need for a visco-elastic tension softening model for ageing concrete t
hat will cater for both creep and relaxation. (C) 1998 John Wiley & So
ns, Ltd.