This paper extends to quasi-projective varieties earlier work by the a
uthor and H. Blaine Lawson concerning spaces of algebraic cocycles on
projective varieties. The topological monoid C-r (Y) (U) of effective
cocycles on a normal, quasi-projective variety U with values in a proj
ective variety Y consists of algebraic cycles on U x Y equi-dimensiona
l of relative dimension r over U. A careful choice of topology enables
the establishment of various good properties: the definition is essen
tially algebraic, the group completion Z(r)(Y) (U) has 'sensible' homo
topy groups, the construction is contravariant with respect to U, cova
riant with respect to Y, and there is a natural 'duality map' to the t
opological group of cycles on U x Y. The fundamental theorem presented
here is the extension of Friedlander-Lawson duality to this context:
the duality map Z(r) (Y) (U) --> Z(r+m)(U x Y) is a homotopy equivalen
ce provided that both U and Y are smooth (where m = dim U). Various ap
plication are given, especially the determination of the homotopy type
s of certain topological groups of algebraic morphisms.