An unusual esophageal tumor in a 58-year-old man. complaining of dysph
agia and weight loss is herein described. Esophageal radioscopy and en
doscopy visualized a huge polypoid tumor which was occluding the esoph
agus. After esophageal resection,, the histological examination reveal
ed miscellaneous benign cells (squamous, columnar fat cells, cartilagi
nous cells, and glandular structures) and two different malignant area
s (spindler sarcomatous cells and squamous cells). There was no malign
ant invasion in the stalk, in. the adjacent esophageal wall, or in the
periesophageal tissue, and there were no malignant adenopathies. The
postoperative course was favorable for one year, until the patient dev
eloped pain in the right superior back. A sarcomatous relapse was diag
nosed by fine-needle biopsy under CT guidance, and the patient subsequ
ently received radiation therapy.