Ceramic-metal joining has become an extremely dynamic field or researc
h as a consequence of the increasing importance of ceramic materials.
In particular, recent progress in the electronic, automobile industry
has been closely matched by the development of improved non-oxide cera
mics, such as AIN, SiC, and Si3N4, capable of better overall performan
ce than traditional materials. Techniques to incorporate ceramic compo
nents into electronic and engineering devices are now available. Joini
ng of non-oxide ceramics to metals can be achieved by a variety or wel
l-established techniques as well as novel methods, some of which are s
till in their first stages of development. However, the majority of th
e currently available ceramic-metal structures makes use of two basic
joining methods, namely brazing and solid-stale diffusion. This paper
offers a comparative overview of the advantages and disadvantages of r
each of these widely employed techniques, along with practical example
s that illustrate their importance in the current market.