The treatment of patients with malignant gliomas is palliative and enc
ompasses surgery radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Outcome measures have
demonstrated improvement in both survival and neurologic performance
ira patients undergoing complete or near-complete tumor resection. Aft
er surgery, involved-field radiotherapy (radiotherapy administered to
the tumor and to the tissue In a 3-cm radius surrounding the tumor) ha
s been shown to further improve survival rates when given in a total d
ose of 6000-6500 cGy. Survival is further improved by the coadministra
tion of the chemoradiopotentiator hydroxycarbamide (hydroxyurea), The
role of adjuvant or boost stereotactic radiotherapy it; unclear, despi
te its frequent use, in addition, adjuvant chemotherapy has been shown
to improve survival rates in approximately one-quarter of patients wi
th glioblastoma multiforme and in the majority of patients with anapla
stic astrocytoma, No a priori method exists, however, to predict which
patient will benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy. As a consequence, al
l physiological young patients with good performance status or limited
neurologic disability are treated with chemotherapy. The best results
of adjuvant chemotherapy are activated with a nitrosourea chemotherap
y, either carmustine (BCNU) or a combination of procarbazine and lomus
tine (CCNU) and vincristine, known as PCV-3 therapy. Salvage chemother
apy is reserved for patients with tumor progression, some of whom bene
fit from a re-operation. Occasional patients with recurrent gliomas ma
y be palliated by stereotactic radiotherapy.