Stochastic sheath healing is the dominant heating mechanism at low pre
ssures for radio frequency (RF) capacitive discharges, It produces an
electron energy probability distribution function (EEPF) that approxim
ates a two-temperature Maxwellian, as seen in both experiments and num
erical simulations, We have used the fundamental kinetic equation to o
btain a space-and time-averaged kinetic equation. We assume that elect
rons with the chi component kinetic energy lower than a certain thresh
old Phi are prevented from interacting with the sheath heating fields.
With these approximations and either a knowledge of the central densi
ty or an ansatz on Phi, we obtain a self-consistent solution for the q
uasiequilibrium discharge parameters valid for low pressures in argon.
The results are compared to those found in experiments, yielding reas
onable agreement.