Migraine headache is a common syndrome, afflicting millions, that has
so far defied a definitive cure. Experimental research studies of the
syndrome tend to describe the triggering factors separately. We propos
e a common denominator - namely, high levels of blood lipids and free
fatty acids - as underlying factor in the development of migraine head
aches. Biological states that may cause increases in free fatty acids
and blood lipids include: high dietary fat intake, obesity, insulin re
sistance, vigorous exercise, hunger, consumption of alcohol, coffee, a
nd other caffeinated beverages, oral contraceptives, smoking, and stre
ss. Elevated blood lipids and free fatty acids are associated with inc
reased platelet aggregability, decreased serotonin, and heightened pro
staglandin levels. These changes lead to the vasodilatation that prece
des migraine headache. We suggest that migraine headache should not be
seen as an isolated symptom, but as a first signal of potential bioch
emical imbalances in the body, which can lead to development of chroni
c disease.