Mass exposure to chloramine gas has not been reported. We report two g
roups of 36 patients (72 total) suffering from acute inhalation of chl
oramine gas. Chloramine gas is produced from mixing common household c
leaning agents containing sodium hypochlorite (bleach) and ammonia. Th
e first mass casualty event occurred when 36 male soldiers mere expose
d during a ''cleaning party'' in their barracks. Ten days later, 36 fe
male soldiers were exposed in a similar manner and presented to our em
ergency department. In each event, commonly available cleaning agents
- liquid bleach and ammonia - were mixed together, liberating toxic ch
loramine gas. Nebulized sodium bicarbonate solution has been suggested
for treatment of chlorine gas inhalation, but no report of nebulized
sodium bicarbonate for treatment of chloramine gas inhalation injury e
xists. In our series, 22 patients exposed to chloramine gas were treat
ed with a nebulized solution of 3.75% sodium bicarbonate. This treatme
nt made no significant statistical or clinical difference in outcome.
We present the largest case series of patients presenting to an emerge
ncy department for treatment of acute inhalation of chloramine gas.