P. Knauth et S. Hornberger, CHANGES FROM WEEKLY BACKWARD TO QUICKER FORWARD ROTATING SHIFT SYSTEMS IN THE STEEL-INDUSTRY, International journal of industrial ergonomics, 21(3-4), 1998, pp. 267-273
Two intervention studies in the steel industry are presented. One expe
rimental group (El) changed from a discontinuous weekly backward (adva
ncing) to a quicker forward (delaying) rotating shift system. The seco
nd experimental group (E2) first worked in a weekly backward rotating
and then in a quicker forward rotating shift system. These experimenta
l groups and two control groups (not changing their shift system) fill
ed out questionnaires before and ten month after the change to new shi
ft systems in the experimental groups. In the second questionnaire stu
dy there were significant improvements of the satisfaction with the ne
w shift systems and some significant reductions of social problems in
comparison to the old shift system in the experimental groups. No sign
ificant differences were observed with regard to health effects, sleep
duration, sleep disturbances, and duration of leisure time. Neverthel
ess after the pilot period of ten month with the new shift systems 95%
(E2) and 100% (El) voted in favor of the new shift system.