Jc. Veille et al., HYPEREMIC RESPONSE OF THE BRACHIAL-ARTERY DURING THE 2ND HALF OF PREGNANCY, Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 5(1), 1998, pp. 38-43
OBJECTIVE: To determine if women who developed preeclampsia had measur
able differences in the vascular response postrelease of a 1-minute bl
ood flow occlusion. METHODS: A total of 33 nulliparous patients were e
nrolled in this study during the second half of the pregnancy. All had
baseline Doppler flow velocities while resting in the left lateral de
cubitus. Subsequently, a blood pressure cuff was inflated for 60 secon
ds in the forearm so as to occlude blood flow. Doppler waveforms were
analyzed immediately after the release of the blood pressure cuff and
on a single beat occurring at 15 second intervals for a total of five
readings. After a rest period, patients were asked to squeeze a handhe
ld manometer at maximum strength as long as possible. Doppler waveform
s were as above. The Doppler waveforms of all enrolled patients who su
bsequently developed preeclampsia any time after the study were compar
ed to those who remained normotensive. RESULTS: 1) The ''hyperemic res
ponse'' that occurred immediately after release of the blood pressure
occlusion of the forearm was significantly different between patients
who subsequently developed preeclampsia compared with those who remain
ed normotensive, 2) the hyperemic response that occurred after the iso
metric handgrip exercise was not significantly different between the t
wo groups, and 3) sensitivity, specificity, and negative predictive va
lues were high, but positive predictive values were low. CONCLUSION: T
here was a significant difference in the hyperemic response of the bra
chial artery to a short period of ischemia of the forearm (blood press
ure occlusion) between normotensive patients and a group of patients w
ho subsequently developed preeclampsia. Copyright (C) 1998 by the Soci
ety for Gynecologic Investigation.