In this paper, an initial evaluation of our finite element based frequ
ency-domain image reconstruction algorithm is performed for experiment
s where multiple millimeter-sized heterogeneities are embedded within
a tissue-equivalent (optically) background medium having multicentimet
er dimensions. The cases considered consist of several interesting geo
metry and optical property contrast combinations including (i) two dif
ferent-sized targets with the same contrast at three different separat
ion distances; (ii) two different-sized targets with different contras
ts at two different separation distances; and (iii) three targets with
the same and different sizes and contrasts, respectively. The reconst
ruction algorithm that has been used is an enhanced version of our ori
ginally developed regularized least squares approach that now includes
total variation minimization, dual meshing, and spatial low-pass filt
ering. Quantitative measures of image quality including the size, loca
tion, and shape of the embedded heterogeneities along with errors in t
heir recovered optical property values are presented. The results show
that multiple targets can be clearly detected for all combinations na
tions of locations, sizes, and contrast levels considered, but the qua
ntitative nature of this detection is influenced by these parameters.
(C) 1998 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.