We consider the shift-invariant space, S(Phi), generated by a set Phi
= {phi(1),...,phi(r)} of compactly supported distributions on R when t
he vector of distributions phi := (phi(1),..., phi(r))(T) satisfies a
system of refinement equations expressed in matrix form as phi = Sigma
(alpha is an element of Z) a(alpha)phi(2 . - alpha) where a is a finit
ely supported sequence of r x r matrices of complex numbers. Such mult
iple refinable functions occur naturally in the study of multiple wave
lets. The purpose of the present paper is to characterize the accuracy
of Phi, the order of the polynomial space contained in S(Phi), strict
ly in terms of the refinement mask a. The accuracy determines the L-p-
approximation order of S(Phi) when the functions in Phi belong to L-p(
R) (see Jia [10]). The characterization is achieved in terms of the ei
genvalues and eigenvectors of the subdivision operator associated with
the mask a. In particular, they extend and improve the results of Hei
l, Strang and Strela [7], and of Plonka [16]. In addition, a counterex
ample is given to the statement of Strang and Strela [20] that the eig
envalues of the subdivision operator determine the accuracy. The resul
ts do not require the linear independence of the shifts of phi.