Stress relaxation and irradiation creep data are available for 20% CW
316 SS samples fabricated from the same heat of material. The stress r
elaxation and irradiation creep tests were both performed in bending.
The stress relaxation was calculated using an irradiation creep correl
ation formulated using the irradiation creep data. The calculations we
re in excellent agreement with the measurements and show that stress r
elaxation may be calculated using irradiation creep data when the prop
er methods are used. The methods for this calculation include the use
of a transient exponential decay coefficient with a dose rate consiste
nt with the stress relaxation application, the use of irradiation cree
p coefficients derived from tests with material consistent with the st
ress relaxation application and the use of irradiation creep data with
the same stress state. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.