Down-regulation of KAI1 mRNA expression has been shown to be associate
d with the formation of metastases or disease progression in pancreati
c cancer, Whether KAI1 possesses similar characteristics in other mali
gnancies of the gastrointestinal tract is not known. Here, we compared
the patterns of KAI1 mRNA expression in 41 esophageal cancers and 35
stomach cancers to assess whether KAI1 might also be of biological rel
evance in the metastatic ability of these tumors. By Northern blot ana
lysis, KAI1 mRNA levels ranged widely in both normal and cancerous eso
phageal and gastric tissue samples, with no statistical differences, N
o association between KAI1 mRNA expression and tumor stage or tumor di
fferentiation was seen in these tumors. In addition, KAI1 mRNA express
ion was similar in primary esophageal and gastric cancer samples with
or without metastases. By in situ hybridization, KAI1 mRNA expression
was evident in the cytoplasm of most squamous epithelial cells in the
normal esophagus and in nonmucosal epithelial cells of the normal stom
ach, The staining intensity in the esophageal and gastric cancer cells
was similar to that in the normal controls. This differential pattern
of KAI1 mRNA expression in esophageal and gastric cancers in comparis
on to pancreatic cancer indicates that KAI1 seems to influence the pot
ential of gastrointestinal cancer cells to metastasize differently, In
esophageal and gastric cancers, the formation of metastases is not de
pendent on the reduction of KAI1 in the cancer cells.