The purpose of this investigation was to determine what types of chang
es occur in the distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPE) latency
with increasing postconceptual age. These DPE latency changes were the
n described in relation to developmental changes in conductive and coc
hlear mechanisms in the neonate. Longitudinal DPE latency measurements
were obtained from a single ear of 18 preterm neonates. DPEs were evo
ked at f2s of 3, 4 and 5 kHz. The longitudinal data revealed that DPE
latency decreased as a function of postconceptual age for f2 of 3 and
4 kHz, but did not change significantly at 5 kHz. These findings sugge
st that (1) the conductive and/or cochlear system have not reached mat
urity in the preterm neonate, (2) DPE latency can be used to measure d
evelopmental changes in the auditory periphery, and (3) maturational c
hanges need to be considered if DPE latency is used to identify audito
ry dysfunction in neonates.