Background-Both proton pump inhibitor drug treatment and Helicobacter
pylori infection cause hypergastrinaemia in man. Aims-To determine whe
ther eradicating H pylori is a means of reducing hypergastrinaemia dur
ing subsequent proton pump inhibitor treatment. Methods-Patients with
Pi pylori were randomised to treatment with either anti-ii pylori or s
ymptomatic treatment. One month later, all received four weeks treatme
nt with omeprazole 40 mg/day for one month followed by 20 mg/day far s
ix months. Serum gastrin concentrations were measured before and follo
wing each treatment, Results-In the patients randomised to anti-hi pyl
ori treatment, eradication of the infection lowered median fasting gas
trin by 48% and meal stimulated gastrin by 46%. When gastrin concentra
tions one month following anti-hi pylori/symptomatic treatment were us
ed as baseline, omeprazole treatment produced a similar percentage inc
rease in serum gastrin in ;he ii pylori infected and hi pylori eradica
ted patients. Consequently, in the patients in which H pylori was not
eradicated, median fasting gastrin concentration was 38 ng/l (range 26
-86) at initial presentation and increased to 64 ng/l (range 29-271) a
fter seven months omeprazole, representing a median increase of 68% (p
<0.005). In contrast, In the patients randomised to Hi pylori eradicat
ion, median fasting gastrin at initial presentation was 54 ng/l (range
17-226) and was unchanged after seven months omeprazole at 38 ng/l (r
ange 17-95). Conclusion-Eradicating hi pylori is a means of reducing t
he rise in gastrin during subsequent long term omeprazole treatment. I
n view of the potential deleterious effects of hypergastrinaemia it ma
y be appropriate to render patients H pylori negative prior to commenc
ing long term proton pump inhibitor treatment.