The conductivity of PAni/PETG copolyester blends shows the expected re
duction compared to unblended PAni, but PAni/PMMA (and PAni/PVC blends
at lower temperatures) show a larger conductivity. SEM images indicat
e that the different behaviour of the blends appears to be associated
with greater granularity retained by the PAni particles dispersed in P
ETG. The conductivities of the more highly conducting PAni blends, lik
e PAni-CSA and its blends with PMMA measured by other authors, show a
change to metallic sign for the temperature dependence near room tempe
rature - simple models combining hopping/tunnelling with metallic cond
uction are consistent with the conductivity except at very low tempera
tures. The thermopower of PAni blends shows a remarkable similarity fo
r blends with different insulating polymers and widely varying conduct
ivity. For polypyrrole samples of very different conductivity, the cha
nge to metallic sign for conductivity near room temperature does not o
ccur, indicating a much smaller 'metallic' resistance contribution. Ne
vertheless, the thermopower of polypyrrole, like that of PAni and PAni
blends, is of metallic size and generally increases with temperature,
as expected for metallic diffusion thermopower.