Objective. Stahlwerk Oberhausen GmbH was established in the course of
the restructuring of Thyssen Stahl AG. Due to the stark decline in the
production of simple qualities, caused by the market situation, it be
came necessary to change to quality steel production. The installation
of electromagnetic stirring equipment was indispensable to be able to
meet the customers' quality requirements. Summary. Based on the resul
ts achieved with a rotating-field stirrer beneath the mould of a test
strand in the years from 1988 to 1990, the step of investing in a stir
ring system to improve the continuously cast billet material was reali
sed in September 1995. All six strands of the continuous billet easter
have been fitted with rotating-field stirrers beneath the moulds to e
lectromagnetically stir the liquid steel. A great improvement in inter
nal quality has been achieved, particularly for high-carbon steels. Th
rough the investment in the stirring equipment it has been possible to
significantly increase the share of quality steel production. (E 2976