U. Oren et al., ORIENTED INTRA-COLONIAL TRANSPORT OF C-14-LABELED MATERIALS DURING CORAL REGENERATION, Marine ecology. Progress series, 161, 1997, pp. 117-122
Here we document for the first time an oriented intra-colonial translo
cation of photosynthetic products towards regenerating areas in 2 scle
ractinian corals, Favia favus (n = 5) and Platygyra lamellina (n = 3)
in Eilat (Red Sea). C-14 bicarbonate was injected into round stainless
-steel cylinders (10 h daylight incubation period) enabling labeling o
f a restricted tissue area of 20 cm(2) in each colony center. Three ti
ssue lesion sizes (small, intermediate and large) were inflicted simul
taneously on each colony at a distance of 10 cm from and at different
angles to the labeled area. After 3 wk, tissue and skeletal samples we
re taken from various locations on the coral colonies, and C-14 activi
ty was determined. In F. favus a significant labeling of tissues was r
ecorded in areas bordering the recuperating large lesions and along th
e axis connecting these lesions with the labeled centers. This pattern
of labeling was not found in the smaller lesions. In P. lamellina C-1
4 incorporation was recorded in the tissues bordering large as well as
intermediate sized lesions. The skeletal samples from F. favus showed
significant C-14 deposition in areas bordering the large lesions, ind
icating the use of translocated C-14 materials for skeletogenesis in l
arge lesion regeneration. Our results indicate that C-14 labeled mater
ials originating in distant areas of the coral colony are translocated
towards large regenerating lesions. Furthermore, the size of the cora
l lesion is shown to affect the magnitude of this translocation.