Prior studies have documented predator deterrence and antifouling acti
vities for organic extracts of the Antarctic soft corals Alcyonium pae
ssleri and Gersemia antarctica under surficial contact situations. Fie
ld observations and subsequent seawater collections support the releas
e of waterborne allelochemicals by these 2 species. A. paessleri and G
. antarctica released organics totaling 1.54 and 1.26 mg l(-1) of seaw
ater extracted, respectively. The compounds from A. paessleri were com
prised of 86% sterols by mass and they diluted to non-detectable level
s within 1 to 2 cm of the colony surface. The absolute production rate
s for the sterols varied positively with colony size and ranged from 3
.4 to 6.6 mg l(-1) seawater extracted d(-1). Three of the 4 sterols is
olated from A. paessleri deterred seastar predators; included amongst
these compounds was the primary metabolite, cholesterol. In contrast,
G. antarctica released many classes of compounds and few in any major
quantities. Nonetheless, the organic fraction of seawater collected ne
ar this soft coral showed potent antibacterial activity against 3 symp
atric microbes. Bioautography was used to guide isolation of the antim
icrobial fraction which contained homarine, trigonelline, and a minor
metabolite. Homarine was responsible for most of the bioactivity noted
during the bioautography assay.