Carbohydrate utilization profiles by means of the API (Appareils et Pr
ocedes d'Identification) system and sensitivity to antibiotics and hea
vy metal salts of 68 Xanthomonas sp. mangiferaeindicae strains isolate
d in nine countries from mango (Mangifera indica L.) and other genera
of the Anacardiaceae were examined to assess the variability of the ta
xon. The strains could be separated into 10 groups according to Ward c
lustering. Apigmented strains isolated from the pepper tree [syn. Braz
ilian pepper] (Schinus terebenthifolius Raddi) could not be clearly di
fferentiated from most apigmented strains isolated from mango. Yellow-
pigmented strains isolated from mango in Brazil and Reunion Island, ap
igmented strains isolated from mango in Brazil and from ambarella in t
he French West Indies, clustered in distinct groups. The results are c
onsistent with those of other studies, based on isozyme analysis of es
terase, phosphoglucomutase and superoxide dismutase, and Arp-RFLP anal
ysis; they indicate the need for a comprehensive taxonomic evaluation
of xanthomonads associated with Anacardiaceae.