Dramatic technical progress in RNA synthesis and structure determinati
on has allowed several difficulties inherent to the preparation, handl
ing and structural analysis of RNA to be overcome, and this has led to
a wealth of information about RNA structure and its relationship with
biological function. It is now fully recognized that RNA molecules in
tervene at all stages of cell life, not only because of key sequence m
otifs but also because of intricate three-dimensional folds. This real
ization has promoted RNA to a potential therapeutic target. As in prot
ein motifs recognizing nucleic acids, groups of the molecule interacti
ng with RNA contribute to specific binding through defined hydrogen bo
nds and van der Waals docking, while other parts contribute to the dri
ving force of binding via less specific electrostatic interactions acc
ompanied by water and ion displacement. (C) Current Biology Ltd ISSN 0