A heated air tunnel and specially its test section features, designed
for studies of wall protection from high temperature gases, are descri
bed. A coolant, moving through the porous wall, flush fitted in the ho
rizontal test section floor, achieves its thermal protection. Prelimin
ary velocity measurements, carried out at ambient temperature and with
out injection, within the test section, pointed out the following aero
dynamic characteristics: stationarity and turbulence intensity in the
potential flow, boundary layer Features over the porous wall according
to the entrance test section boundary conditions, wall friction coeff
icient estimation. Velocity and temperature profiles, in non-isotherma
l conditions, over the porous wall with or without cooling air injecti
on, are reported. They point out the injection rate influence, variabl
e from 0 to 2 %. (C) Elsevier, Paris.