The DPACS project (Data and Picture Archiving and Communication System
) was undertaken at the University of Trieste by the Institute of Radi
ology and the DEEI (Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica, Elettronica ed Inf
ormatica), in collaboration with the CRSTBS (Centro Ricerche e Studi T
ecnologie Biomediche Sanitarie) of the Area Science Park and the Azien
da Ospedaliera of Trieste. The main objective of this project is to cr
eate an open system for the management of clinical data and images and
for the integration of health care services. The first phase is orien
ted toward finding an implementation strategy for the creation of a pr
ototype DPACS system, to serve as a starting point for the realization
of a distributed structure for the extension of the service, firstly
to the entire structure of the Cattinara Hospital and subsequently to
all the Public Health units in Trieste. After local testing, the servi
ce will finally be expanded to a wider geographical level. The intensi
ve computerization of the Institute of Radiology furnished the most fa
vourable environment for the verification of the prototype, as the ser
vice provided by the existing RIS (Radiology Information System) and P
ACS (Picture and Archiving Communication System) has long been consoli
dated. One of the main goals of the project, in particular, is to repl
ace the old, by now obsolete, PACS with the DPACS services.