We report on a patient with Nevo syndrome manifesting intrauterine and
postpartum overgrowth, accelerated osseous maturation, dolichocephaly
, highly arched palate, large, low-set ears, cryptorchidism, delayed n
europsychological development, hypotonia, adema, contractures of the h
ands and feet, a single a transverse palmar crease, and tapering digit
s. After meningococcal sepsis at age 6 months, he remained decerebrate
. Thereafter, overgrowth and especially weight gain were extremely acc
elerated until his death at age 18 months, at which time his height wa
s 103 cm and his weight was 23 kg. In addition to low plasma concentra
tions of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor, severe insulin
resistance was observed. It is presumed that a selective defect in in
sulin-stimulated glucose uptake, with preservation of anabolic effect,
was one of the causes of his ''over-growth without growth hormone,''
at least in the last 12 months of life after severe brain damage. (C)
1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.