This tutorial paper is based on lectures delivered by G M Stephan at P
ELS'97. The idea was to tell the students about the methodology used b
y the authors to understand and to quantitatively compute the flips ob
served between two polarization states in a single-frequency He-Ne las
er. The study is limited to this phenomenon. Contents are: introductio
n, quasi-isotropic lasers and polarization flips; the passive Fabry-Pe
rot interferometer, an illustrative example; a vectorial description o
f a two energy-level system with magnetic degeneracy; two useful tools
: adiabatic elimination of fast variables and use of Lyapunov exponent
s to study the stability of a solution; medium polarization in the adi
abatic approximation; the laser equations for the field. These content
s are organized for people coming into the field: rather than being to
o general, we have preferred to focus on limited and well defined exam
ples from which other cases can be studied.