Recent advances in treatment have achieved a large drop in the prevale
nce of active leprosy cases, but the incidence is at best decreasing s
lowly. Most people within leprosy-endemic populations have been expose
d to MJ,Mycobacterium leprae, but few develop disease and it seems lik
ely that the majority of the population develops protective immunity.
If the site of initial infection is in the nose, dissemination of baci
lli around the body to skin and nerve implies that the initial infecti
on is bacilliferous and it has been shown that nasal M. leprae are det
ectable by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of nasal swabs. Since saliv
ary anti-M. leprae IgA (sMLIgA) levels are correlated with protection,
(5) we have surveyed groups of leprosy patients, contacts and the gene
ral population for both their sMLIgA and nasal PCR positivity. A total
of 304 subjects were enrolled in the study: PCR and mucosal challenge
tests were performed in 204 of these individuals. sMLIgA was present
in 66% of treated patients, 76% of leprosy workers and 72% of healthy
contacts. However, only 33% of indigenous subjects were sMLIgA+, in co
ntrast to the earlier studies showing 74% positivity.(5) PCR for M. le
prae was present in both household contacts (2%) and indigenous contro
ls (5%). In a subsequent follow-up study, nasal swabs were taken from
97 of those studied in the first series: three PCR+ individuals follow
ed up after one year became negative, while of the remaining 94 PCR-in
dividuals retested, 2 became positive. Of 112 subjects retested with t
he mucosal challenge test for sMLIgA: 22 converted from positive to ne
gative and 12 From negative to positive. These results suggest that th
ere is widespread subclinical transmission of M. leprae with transient
infection of the nose resulting in the development of a mucosal immun
e response, despite the fact that few individuals will develop clinica
l disease. This may explain the current lack of effect of multidrug th
erapy (MDT)control programmes on incidence, although the reduction in
general population immunity is consistent with some effect of MDT on t