Vision loss and blindness are potential complications of leprosy. Ther
e is little data available to indicate the impact of eye complications
on life expectancy and quality of Life. We sought to determine the re
lative risk of death in blind leprosy patients compared to nonblind le
prosy patients. A population-based ocular survey of 510 mycobacteriolo
gically negative leprosy patients in rural South Korea, conducted in 1
988, formed the study population. After a 7-year period patients were
traced to determine their status (alive, dead, lost to follow up). Bli
nd patients showed a 4.8-fold risk of death, even after adjusting for
other factors, compared to nonblind patients. Young blind leprosy pati
ents had the highest relative risk of death. Excess mortality was not
associated with any specific cause of blindness, ocular pathology, or
type of disease. Findings from our study suggest that all leprosy pati
ents with ocular disabilities (including those released from antilepro
sy treatment) should be targeted to receive eye care to prevent vision
loss. Particular emphasis should be placed on young patients.