In order to find factors which determine the two-dimensional structure
of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), several classes of thiols and di
sulfides on gold (111) have been investigated by atomic force microsco
py (AFM). SAMs were formed from a series of symmetrical and asymmetric
al diethylalkanoate disulfides, omega-hydroxy-and omega-carboxyalkanet
hiols, diacetylene disulfides, and different anthracene terminated thi
ols and disulfides. In all the cases, two-dimensional crystalline stru
ctures could be resolved; even for an asymmetrical diethylalkanoate di
sulfide that had a chain length difference of five methylene units. Th
e lattices were analyzed quantitatively. Two distinctly different type
s of crystalline structures were observed, namely, a hexagonal and a c
entered rectangular lattice. For the diethylalkanoate disulfides with
short alkyl chains (n less than or equal to 10) both structural phases
were observed, domains with a hexagonal lattice existing simultaneous
ly with centered rectangular domains. The lenth of the alkyl chain det
ermined the probability of finding disulfides in the hexagonal structu
re. This dependence on the shape of the molecules as well as the clear
contrast of SAMs of asymmetric disulfides suggest that the AFM tip pe
netrates into the SAMs and probes, at least partially, the interior of
the layers. With the atomic force microscope no difference was observ
ed between SAMs formed from thiols and those from disulfides.