Ma. Secknus et Th. Marwick, EVOLUTION OF DOBUTAMINE ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY PROTOCOLS AND INDICATIONS - SAFETY AND SIDE-EFFECTS IN 3,011 STUDIES OVER 5 YEARS, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 29(6), 1997, pp. 1234-1240
Objectives. This study sought to document the safety of debutamine str
ess echocardiography as it has evolved at a single center and to defin
e predictors of adverse events. Background The indications and protoco
l for dobutamine stress testing have evolved over 5 years of clinical
use, but the influence of these changes on the safety and side effects
of the test is undefined. Methods. Over 5 years, 3,011 consecutive do
butamine stress studies were performed in 2,871 patients, using an inc
remental protocol from 5 to 40 mu g/kg body weight per min in 3-min st
ages, followed by atropine or an additional stage with 50 mu g/kg per
min, if required. Clinical data were gathered prospectively, and hemod
ynamic and echocardiographic findings were recorded at each stage, inc
luding recovery. Dobutamine echocardiography was defined as positive f
or ischemia in the presence of new or worsening wall motion abnormalit
ies; in the absence of ischemia, failure to attain 85% of age-predicte
d maximal heart rate was identified as a nondiagnostic result. Results
. Studies were performed for risk assessment (70%) and symptom evaluat
ion (30%); over the study period, there was an increment in the use of
dobutamine echocardiography for preoperative evaluation. Most tests (
n = 2,194 [73%]) were terminated due to attainment of peak dose,vith a
chievement of target heart rate (>85% maximal age predicted heart rate
); 455 patients (15%) failed to achieve >85% maximal predicted heart r
ate despite maximal doses of dobutamine and atropine. The protocol was
stopped prematurely in 230 patients (7.6%) because of side effects, i
ncluding ventricular (n = 27 [0.9%]) and supraventricular rhythm disor
ders (n = 22 [0.7%]), severe hypertension (n = 24 [0.8%]) and hypotens
ion or left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (n = 112 [3.8%]). No
ncardiac symptoms, such as headache, nausea or anxiety, caused early t
est termination in 45 patients (1.6%). The remaining test were stopped
because of severe chest pain (n = 106 [3.5%]) or severe ischemia by e
chocardiography (n = 26 [0.9%]). Serious complications occurred in nin
e patients, including sustained ventricular tachycardia in five, myoca
rdial infarction in one and other conditions in three requiring hospit
al admission (sustained supraventricular tachycardia, hypotension, sus
pected myocardial infarction), but neither ventricular fibrillation no
r death occurred. Independent predictors of serious complications coul
d not be defined. Over 5 years, higher dose protocols and more frequen
t use of atropine have raised the number of diagnostic protocols from
59% to 80%, without increasing the incidence of major side effects. Co
nclusions. Despite the use of more aggressive protocols and alteration
s of the indications for testing to include sicker patients, major sid
e effects are a rare complication of dobutamine echocardiography. (C)
1997 by the American College of Cardiology.