The German Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions in Privat
e Practice has started a registry of cardiac procedures since 1996 in
order to establish a standard for performance. Although quality manage
ment for the cath lab makes sense and is also legally required, there
is no generally recommended infrastructure for quality assurance exist
ing in Germany at this time. Therefore, the German Society of Cardiolo
gists in Private Practice (BNK) initiated a project in 1994 to develop
a computer program for paperless documentation of diagnostic cardiac
catheterizations and coronary interventions (PTCA) using a minimal dat
a set. In 1996, 8 private associated groups participated in this proje
ct. The (anonymous) analysis of 10,316 diagnostic cardiac catheterizat
ions and 2597 PTCA yielded the followig results: In 95% of the patient
s, diagnostic cardiac catheterization was performed using the femoral
and in 5% the brachial/radial approach. The mean volume of administere
d contrast medium was 164 +/- 138 ml/patient. The mean LV-EF was great
er than 50% in 58.4% of the patients and between 30% and 50% in 10.1%.
Coronary artery disease was diagnosed in 69.6% of the patients and va
lvular/congenital heart disease in 8.5%. In 18.4% of the patients unde
rgoing diagnostic cardiac catheterizations no significant heart diseas
e was identified. Mortality in the cath lab as well as the rate of cer
ebral insults was 0.05%. In 22.9% and 19% of the patients PTCA and car
diac surgery respectively was recommended. In patients undergoing PTCA
, stable angina was present in 74.4% and unstable angina in 13.1%. Of
the total number of PTCA procedures, 5.8% were performed in the settin
g of acute myocardial infarction. The PTCA lesion success rate was 96%
, the mean diameter stenosis was 81% pre and 6% post-intervention. The
mortality rate at 1 month post-PTCA was 0.4%, and myocardial infarcti
on 1.0%. An acute occlusion occurred in 1.3% of the PTCA patients; 0.6
% had to be transferred for emergency bypass surgery. None of the cath
labs had on-site surgery. In comparison to other registries, our data
show some similarities but also some different trends. Thus, our newl
y developed software proved to be reliable, fast and easy to use. Part
icipating centers receive immediate feedback regarding their posititon
within the whole group.