This study evaluates the impact of therapeutic preparation methods on
children undergoing MCUG. Parents of 35 children who had undergone MCU
G were surveyed by questionnaire. The child's reaction to investigatio
n was assessed using the Groningen Distress Rating Scale (rating 1 = c
alm >5 = panic) and parental coping styles using the Utrecht Coping Li
st. Families received one of two types of therapeutic preparation: sto
rybooklet or storybooklet and play preparation. Reported distress leve
ls were significantly lower with therapeutic preparation (mean score 2
.5 +/- 1.02 SD) than without (mean score 3.3 +/- 1.22 SD). Previously,
controls reported 46% of anxiety-linked behaviour changes post-MCUG,
falling to 13% after therapeutic preparation. Parents who gave a candi
d explanation reported significantly lower child distress levels (mean
2.0 +/- 0.91 SD) than those parents who avoided upsetting details (me
an 3.1 +/- 0.47 SD). We conclude that distress associated with the MCU
G can be reduced by therapeutic preparation of the child and family pr
ior to investigation.