Mallory bodies (MBs) are eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions observed
predominantly in alcoholic liver disease. Although linked to disease a
ctivity, their pathogenesis is still unclear. Since intermediate filam
ents (cytokeratins) are major components of MBs, their cytokeratin pol
ypeptide composition was analysed with monospecific antibodies for cyt
okeratins 7, 8, 14, 18, 19, and 20 by immunohistology. MBs were identi
fied by light microscopy and ubiquitin immunostaining. All MBs were po
sitive for cytokeratins 8 and 18. A significant percentage of the MBs
was strongly positive for cytokeratins 19 and/or 20, which are not det
ectable in hepatocytes of normal liver and, in the case of cytokeratin
20, in hepatocytes of diseases devoid of MBs. MBs were essentially ne
gative for cytokeratins 7 and 14. De novo expression of cytokeratins 1
9 and 20 was independent of the aetiology, occurring in all MB-associa
ted diseases analysed, and seemed to precede MB formation, since in so
me hepatocytes a cytoskeletal-type staining pattern for these cytokera
tins was present. In hepatocellular carcinomas cytokeratins 19 and 20
were frequently detected, but their cellular distribution was less clo
sely associated with MBs. The ectopic expression of cytokeratins 19 an
d 20 appears to be related to MB formation and may take part in the de
rangement of the intermediate filaments during MB formation.