A novel neurotrophic factor named Persephin that is similar to 40% ide
ntical to glial eel line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and neurtu
rin (NTN) has been identified using degenerate PCR. Persephin, like GD
NF and NTN, promotes the survival of ventral midbrain dopaminergic neu
rons in culture and prevents their degeneration after 6-hydroxydopamin
e treatment in vivo. Persephin also supports the survival of motor neu
rons in culture and in vivo after sciatic nerve axotomy and, like GDNF
, promotes ureteric bud branching. However, in contrast to GDNF and NT
N, persephin does not support any of the peripheral neurons that were
examined. Fibroblasts transfected with Ret and one of the core-ceptors
GFR alpha-1 or GFR alpha-2 do not respond to persephin, suggesting th
at persephin utilizes additional, or different, receptor components th
an GDNF and NTN.