The ultrasound appearances of peritonsillar abscesses (PTA) in 15 pati
ents with clinically suspected peritonsillar infection were assessed u
sing intra-oral sonography and computed tomography (CT), The ultrasoni
c appearances of an isoechoic rim with a hypoechoic centre were seen i
n the majority of cases, but a homogeneous isoechoic pattern was also
recognized, The different ultrasonic appearances did not correlate wit
h the number of symptomatic days, A central hypoechoic area with a sur
rounding isoechoic rim pattern was less likely if the volume of pus re
lative to the whole abscess was less than 10% on CT, Although the perc
entage of necrosis within the abscesses increased with time, the homog
eneous isoechoic appearing abscesses, with less than 10% necrosis, did
not fit in temporally and based on our findings it was not possible t
o predict the ultrasound appearances according to the duration of symp