Study objective: To estimate the prevalence of knee pain in active ath
letes and to investigate potential associations to type, amount and du
ration of sports participation. Measurements: 339 athletes gave inform
ation about occupation, sports activity and different features of knee
pain, based on a selffilled questionnaire. Main results: The prevalen
ce of knee pain within the preceding 12 months, constant or recurrent
knee pain, absence from sport and absence from work due to knee pain,
was 54%, 34%, 19% and 4%, respectively. Knee pain was positively assoc
iated with years of jogging and with weekly hours of participation in
competitive gymnastics but negatively with weekly hours of tennis. Con
stant or recurrent knee pain was positively associated with years of s
wimming. Absence from sport due to knee pain was positively associated
with weekly hours of soccer participation. Conclusions: Knee pain is
a common symptom in athletes. The prevalence is associated with the ty
pe, amount and duration of sports participation.