Much of our present knowledge concerning the etiopathogenesis, treatme
nt and prevention of human diabetes would never have been acquired wit
hout the study of animal models of diabetes, The main models of IDDM m
ay be divided into two groups: induced (through pancreatectomy, chemic
als such as alloxan and streptozotocin, viruses and others) and sponta
neous (mainly using BE rats and NOD mice), The latter, at different ag
es, develop a diabetic syndrome, with clinical characteristics, geneti
cs and immunology that are very similar to the human disease. Among th
e more significant differences are lymphopenia (in BE rats) and the pr
edominance of diabetes in females (in NOD mice), Studies aimed at prev
enting IDDM have advanced by leaps and bounds by using the two spontan
eous models, These include various methods such as genomic modificatio
n, an influence over some environmental agents, immunosuppression, imm
unotherapy, immunomodulation and tolerance induction as well as protec
tion of the beta-cell from autoimmune attack, The conclusions drawn fr
om animal experiments have allowed some human trials to be carried out
with encouraging results.