The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) K-Ic curve is a fu
nction of test temperature (T) normalized to a reference nil-ductility
temperature, RTNDT, namely, T - RTNDT. It was constructed as the lowe
r boundary to the available K-Ic database. Being a lower bound to the
unique but limited database, the ASME K-Ic curve concept does not disc
uss probability matters. However, a continuing evolution of fracture m
echanics advances has led to employment of the Weibull distribution fu
nction to model the scatter of fracture toughness values in the transi
tion range. The Weibull statistic/master curve approach was applied to
analyze the current ASME K-Ic database. It is shown that the Weibull
distribution function models the scatter in K-Ic data from different m
aterials very well, while the temperature dependence is described by t
he master curve. Probabilistic-based tolerance-bound curves are sugges
ted to describe lower-bound K-Ic values.