Purpose: Measurement of cardiac output is an essential part of anaesth
etic practice in patients undergoing major operative procedures. A the
rmodilution technique, using a pulmonary artery catheter is currently
accepted as the gold standard in clinical practice. However its use is
associated with several limitations. Method: In this prospective rand
omised controlled study measurement of cardiac output, an oesophageal
Doppler monitor (ODM) was compared with the thermodilution technique i
n 18 patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation. Measurement
s were taken during the three phases of liver transplantation, I) diss
ection phase (three measurements), ii) anhepatic phase (four) and iii)
reperfusion phase (six). Results: There were no differences observed
between the two measurements at any of the times studied and a strong
correlation was observed (r = 0.714; P < 0.00001), However, when the d
ata was analysed using Bland and Altman analysis, while the mean diffe
rence was small (0.07 l.min(-1)) it was > 2 l.min(-1) in one third of
measurements recorded i,e., the bias was near zero but the precision w
as large, No consistent differences were seen using the two methods in
individual patients. Conclusion: The use of the ODM results in cardia
c output measurements which are considerably different from those obta
ined using thermodilution and its use cannot be recommended in patient
s undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation.