To identify approaches to school based violence prevention that are mo
st promising and those that may not be effective, a review of the lite
rature was conducted. In addition, telephone interviews were conducted
with 15 experts on topics related to school-based violence prevention
Nine critical ingredients of promising approaches to violence prevent
ion were identified. Specifically, the approaches are comprehensive an
d multifaceted; begin in the primary grades and are reinforced across
grade level; are developmentally tailored; and cover appropriate conte
nt area. Appropriate content areas include information; anger-manageme
nt; social perspective taking; decision making and social problem solv
ing; peer negotiation and conflict management; social resistance skill
s; active listening and effective communication; and material on preju
dice, sexism, racism and male-female relationship. In addition, promis
ing programs use interactive teaching techniques, are culturally sensi
tive, and provide teacher training. They promote a positive school cli
mate and foster norms against violence. Six violence prevention activi
ties that appear nor to be effective are also discussed. The authors c
onclude with a discussion of rite need for more rigorous evaluation of
violence prevention programs.