Objective: To evaluate the validity of transrectal ultrasonography in
the assessment of rectovaginal endometriosis. Methods: We compared the
findings of transrectal ultrasonographic examination performed before
surgery with the operative and pathologic findings in 140 women who u
nderwent laparoscopy or laparotomy for suspected endometriosis. The ul
trasonographer was asked to investigate whether any deep endometriotic
lesions were present in the rectovaginal septum and to define the lat
eral extension on the basis of involvement of the uterosacral ligament
s. Ln addition, infiltration of the rectal and vaginal walls was evalu
ated. Results: Thirty-four women had endometriosis infiltrating the re
ctovaginal septum confirmed by combined operative and pathologic findi
ngs. Ultrasonography showed a sensitivity and specificity of 97% and 9
6%, respectively, in the diagnosis of the presence of rectovaginal end
ometriosis. The sonographer identified infiltration of the rectal and
vaginal walls correctly in all cases in whom it was present, but also
reported rectal infiltration in three cases not confirmed by the surge
on and pathologist. The sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis o
f uterosacral Ligament infiltration were 80% and 97%, respectively. Co
nclusion: If our preliminary results are confirmed by a larger series,
transrectal ultrasonography will be considered a valid diagnostic too
l in the evaluation at: rectovaginal endometriosis. (C) 1998 by The Am
erican College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.