Establishing and sustaining strong doctor-patient relationships is an
important aim in clinical practice, since it is through these relation
ships that the effectiveness of our work as healers is mediated. In re
cent years, a research literature emerging from the application of soc
ial science to medicine is beginning to highlight certain specific phy
sician behaviors, especially those involved in doctor-patient communic
ation, as actions of considerable importance to both physicians and pa
tients. Successful physicians will further understand that our patient
s and their families also have high expectations for additional behavi
ors of physicians, particularly those recognized in the popular cultur
e as professional, respectful of patients' circumstances, and supporti
ve of patients' efforts. To the extent that physicians make an explici
t effort to understand and appreciate the <<life-world>> of patients,
and even to modify medical recommendations in order to maximize the me
aningfulness and goodness-of-fit of these recommendations, the ''art''
of medicine also becomes an essential part of routine clinical practi
ce. In the final analysis, new science, art, and behavioral competence
are all required for strengthening doctor-patient relationships.